Newton's Library
Alphabetical - H
You will need Stuffit Expander 5.x or better to decompress the archives. If you haven't done so yet, go to Aladdin's website and download it now! It's free, and available for both Mac and Windows.
* - Note that the unstuffed size of the archives below is about twice the amount of space the book will actually occupy on your newton.
Hawthorne, Nathaniel 1804-1864How Allan Quatermain, of Durban, Natal, made his fortune, and why he would not do it again, had he a choice. In his own words to his son Harry.
The Artist of the Beautiful universal format, v 1.0A terrible story in which "old garbage" is burned to make room for new thoughts and inspirations.
The Birthmark universal format, v 1.0Does an object of art have to be appreciated, or is its value contained in its creation?
Henry, Matthew 1662-1714Not even the best the earth can offer is perfect from the beginning. But once you have made it so, will it be able to stay in this imperfect world?
Hope, Anthony 1863-1933Matthew Henry is well known for his thoughtful works explaining the Bible.
Having red hair is not always fun, and being the image of a king can get you into even more trouble.