Newton's Library
Alphabetical - F
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* - Note that the unstuffed size of the archives below is about twice the amount of space the book will actually occupy on your newton.
Athenian and American Life universal format, v 1.0A comment on "The Philosophy of Art" by H. Taine. New York: Leypoldt and Holt, 1867.
Historical Difficulties universal format, v 1.0A comparison, inspired by W. R. Greg's essay on British and Foreign Characteristics. This is not, as some have claimed, an urge for "doing nothing", just a reminder that leisure has its values too.
"The To-morrow of Death" universal format, v 1.0A comment on "Historical Difficulties and Contested Events" by Octave Delepierre, LL. D., F. S. A., Secretary of Legation to the King of the Belgians. 8vo. London: Murray, 1868.
The Unseen World universal format, v 1.0An attack on the book "The To-morrow of Death, or, The Future Life according to Science" by Louis Figuier.
FitzGerald, Edward 1809-1883Philosophical discussions and thoughts on the eternal questions: "What are you, where did you come from, and whither are you bound?"
Frederic, Harold 1856-1898Based upon original poems of Omar Khayyam, a medieval Persian astronomer and mathematician. Includes a biographical paragraph and a few brief explanations of a handful of obscure Persian references in the poems.
Theron Ware and his wife Alice tries to make the small salary of a priest stretch as far as possible, but what with the trustees and everybody, it is not easy.